Two American Audiences


  • When Jean-Luc Godard came to New York to make a film (1 PM) with me and Ricky Leacock, he was anxious to see America before the revolution broke out, torn up as it was with the Vietnam furor.  We had arranged a lecture tour of a number of universities around the country.  One of the lectures was for a class of NYU graduate students, which we decided to film.


    Godard’s most recent film, La Chinoise, was playing right around the corner, and Columbia University students, who had initiated their student uprising on the day the film opened, were pouring into the theater. This to our unexpected delight, for when Godard had arranged for us to distribute the film, we had done so with misgiving since his films were not normally known to fill theaters.  So as we laughed at his sly remarks, it occurred to us that there were two audiences involved here, and maybe that our film should be about that. It might also be noted that the date of the filming, April 4, 1968, was the day Martin Luther King was killed. Of course, none of us in the room knew about that then.


    D A Pennebaker

  • A film by Mark Woodcock 1968, 40 min., b&w